Why Scratch?

Scratch makes an ideal platform and language to begin coding as early as 7 years old. It’s block-based syntax allows the younger minds to develop the necessary thought processes so they can successfully transfer their experience towards more complex languages like Java, Python or C++.

To access both the downloadable client or the online version of Scratch, visit: https://scratch.mit.edu/

For younger children, Scratch Junior is a great stepping stone towards Scratch. You can find Scratch Junior at https://www.scratchjr.org/

Why Python?

Python is an extremely flexible and easy to learn language which is gaining momentum in recent years. It is primarily used for Artificial Intelligence development, machine learning, robotics and data analysis and in game development. For more information on Python and to access a configurable Python IDLE interpreter visit: www.python.org

Further Python modules and other languages will be implemented to expand the course when demand will be present.